Aid for Ukraine: Words of Thanks, How to Pray, and How to Give
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Aid for Ukraine: Words of Thanks, How to Pray, and How to Give

How to help, pray, and give to aid Ukraine

March 15, 2022
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How can your church respond to the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

People all across BGAV have responded to our call to pray and to give. As of today, individual donations totaling more than $55,000 are going directly to meet the needs of Ukrainians who need safety, sustenance, and hope. If you want to help, please consider including Ukraine in your church's prayer and offering times--whenever it works best for you.

Today we are sending you a video with a brief update about how your gifts are being used, as well as prayer requests directly from our friends in Ukraine. Please download this video or play it directly from the link below in order to show it to your congregations in worship, discipleship, or fellowship settings that are appropriate for your church.

Be sure to also visit the Aid for Ukraine webpage for the latest updates from the European Baptist Federation. The most recent update, from March 11, shares of the amazing outreach local churches are doing to share Christ’s love during this time of turmoil: feeding hundreds of refugees, performing baptisms, and spreading kindness along with the gospel to those on the streets. These stories of hope and compassion show that God is always working, even in the darkest corners.

Sharing Our Response with Your Church

Here are some communication points you may use in your church if you'd like specific guidance:

Introduction to Video

"BGAV is working with our trusted partners and friends across Europe to ensure that all funds are getting directly into the hands of churches, so they can provide for the needs of Ukrainians who have fled the country as well as those who have chosen to stay. A QR code and a web link are in the video and can be used to access our online giving site and make a gift. Whether you choose to give to BGAV's Aid for Ukraine or WMUV's Aid for Ukraine - Project Ruth, you can be assured that your dollars will go directly to our trusted partners in Europe who are working directly with people in Ukraine affected by the crisis there.”

Watch the Video

After the Video

"As Virginia Baptists, we stand alongside our Ukrainian friends and support them in this time of great need and encourage you to give generously and in the spirit of Christ. Our church is committed to do the following in response to the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine (prayer, give, learn more, etc)."

Call to Prayer

Our Ukrainian Baptist brothers and sisters have asked for your prayers. Please consider incorporating these requests of God into your congregational prayer time:

  • We pray that people will be able to leave the country safely, that innocent lives will not be targeted, and that the fighting would end.
  • We pray for all the neighboring countries as they seek to care for those fleeing the conflict.
  • We pray for the caregivers as well: for rest, encouragement, and a sense of calm amidst the chaos.
  • We pray and give thanks for those whom God has called to serve with the love of Christ in a war time place.
Last Updated:    
March 29, 2022