Executive Board Chair Announces Task Force
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Executive Board Chair Announces Task Force

A message from Brooke Holloway Blake, BGAV's executive board chair

March 4, 2024
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As the chair of the executive board, I would like to inform BGAV-participating churches of the executive board's progress regarding the motion affirmed by the assembly at the 2023 Annual Meeting in November. The motion is as follows:

"I move that the Executive Board of the Baptist General Association of Virginia appoint a seven-member task force to explore programs, resources, policies, initiatives, and relationships which further support and advocate for women in pastoral, ministerial, and leadership roles among Virginia Baptists, and that the task force present a report of findings and recommendations to the messengers of the 2024 Baptist General Association of Virginia Annual Meeting."

As tasked by the messengers of the 2023 Annual Meeting, the BGAV executive board has formed the seven-member task force, and these are the members: Kristin Whitesides (chair), Carlisle Davidhizer, Joshua Hayden, Nancy Stanton McDaniel, Shelton Miles, Herbert Ponder, Esther Shin, and Brooke Holloway Blake (ex-officio). The task force had its initial meeting and has begun its work.

We ask for your prayers and support as the task force takes on this momentous task!

Grace and peace,

Brooke Holloway Blake

Chair, BGAV Executive Board

Last Updated:    
March 11, 2024