Fall Gathering 2024: A Time of Focus and Encouragement for College Students
A campus minister shares her highlights of the annual retreat for young adults
by Haley Gillespie
What is the true purpose of a retreat? To destress from work? Relax and recharge? To catch up on sleep? The word "retreat" comes from the Latin word retrahere, which means "to draw back” or “withdraw.” Jesus understood the importance of true rest and retreat, often withdrawing to the wilderness to reconnect with the Father. As followers of Jesus, we are called to step back from the business of our lives, away from all the distractions, and restore our identity with God.

The most busy and distracting time of a person’s life is often young adulthood. So many things are fighting for their attention, and they begin to wrestle with big questions like, “What are you going to do for the rest of your life?” They are consumed by their jobs or classes—laser-focused on what is next. Internships. Promotion. Graduation. It is so easy to lose sight of seeking what God has planned for their lives.
In October 2024, about 150 young adults from across the state spent a weekend away at Eagle Eyrie in Lynchburg, VA, for Fall Gathering 2024. Hosted by Kairos Initiative, Fall Gathering is an annual retreat where 18–25-year-olds gather to experience teaching, worship, a time to connect in meaningful relationships, and be strengthened in their journey with Jesus. Throughout the weekend, young adults participated in four main teaching sessions. Each session for the weekend explored how the gospel is bold, catalytic, and movemental—encouraging young adults to be bold in their faith and teaching how sometimes boldness is just taking the first step, showing up, saying yes. The sessions were about stirring up young adults to be agents of mission that elevate others to be inspired and activated by the power of the Holy Spirit and motivating students to participate in the movement of the Kingdom of God, locally and globally. Following the teaching sessions, participants broke off into small groups led by student leaders to dive more deeply into each message. On the second day, several breakout sessions were offered on various topics including work/rest balance, being equipped for the mission of God, and exploring the next generation of the local church. Scattered in between the moments of teaching were opportunities to rest and have fun during a bonfire and the competitive Trivia Night.

A successful retreat weekend is not determined by the number of people who attend, the powerful messages from the speakers, or the modern and cool worship experience. All of these are good things, but they are not the main thing. The small unseen moments are why we retreat: staying up late talking with someone who is struggling with past hurts and bringing them to God, a hike exploring what rest is truly about, and listening to someone wrestle with their calling to ministry. These are the moments God uses to change hearts and refocus our minds and lives to him.
Save the date for the next Fall Gathering happening at Eagle Eyrie in Lynchburg, VA, October 24-26, 2025.
Haley Gillespie serves as a campus minister at James Madison University’s Baptist Collegiate Ministry in Harrisonburg, VA.