Kairos Announces Cadance Tyler as Incoming Campus Minister for Longwood-Hampden Sydney BCM
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Kairos Announces Cadance Tyler as Incoming Campus Minister for Longwood-Hampden Sydney BCM

New campus minister to begin serving in Farmville Baptist Collegiate Ministries

March 29, 2023
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Cadance Tyler

BGAV's Kairos Collegiate/Young Adult team is excited to welcome Rev. Cadance Tyler as the new Campus Minister for Longwood/Hampden-Sydney BCM!

"I'm excited to build relationships with and minister to college students! I believe in the importance of collaboration, and I feel that this is a wonderful opportunity to work with community members and students to make an impact in Farmville," Tyler explained.

Tyler is a graduate of Shepherd University and Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond. She considers it a privilege to have ministered to young adults in both church and community settings since 2013. She lives in Keysville with her husband, Adam, and their two children, and she's excited to serve and minister alongside students and community members in Farmville.

Kairos Initiative Coordinator, Welford Orrock, commented, “Cadance has been a part of BGAV life for some time, serving in ministry roles through BGAV churches and on staff with our Congregational Field Staff team. She is stepping into this role with a strong sense of calling to disciple the students of Longwood and Hampden-Sydney and to lead the ministry in impactful service throughout the Farmville community and beyond! Cadance brings a dynamic range of gifts and passions for this unique ministry setting. I am thrilled to have her join our team. Cadance will officially begin on April 1, which will be a great time to help see through the end of the Spring semester and work through the summer to welcome students into a new academic year.”

Last Updated:    
May 11, 2023