"Are We There Yet?": Executive Director's Update for May
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"Are We There Yet?": Executive Director's Update for May

Read and watch this month's update from Executive Director Wayne Faison

May 9, 2024
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Spring is in the air! For many of us, this is a time to put away our winter clothes and bring out our summer action wear. This is also a time when many of us begin to venture out and maybe even hit the road for a trip to our favorite amusement park, or maybe a camping trip in the mountains, or maybe even a trip to the beach. As the flowers bloom and the temperatures become warmer, most of us are ready to venture out of the house and start enjoying the pleasantries of God’s creation.

Growing up as the youngest of five siblings in Ocala, Florida, my family would take a road trip during the spring to Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, Tennessee. My mother would fix our favorite sandwiches and drinks for the ride. My siblings would begin jostling for their favorite seats in our Chevrolet Impala. My dad would make sure that the car had a full tank of gas and that the luggage was secure in the trunk, and off we’d go! Once we’d been on the road for what seemed like several hours (but actuality, only about 45 minutes had passed), we would ask our dad, “Are we there yet?”

The answer to this question was so crucial to us because the only answer that would measure up to our excitement, the only answer that would make us the happiest children in the world, and the only answer that we were hoping to hear was an answer in the affirmative. However, since the drive from Ocala, Florida to Chattanooga, Tennessee was much longer in reality than what we had perceived in our minds, it was not uncommon for us to repeat and ask our “are we there yet” question over and over again. In our minds, we had set out on a journey, and we were very anxious to get to our destination.

April 2024 marks my 15-month anniversary as BGAV’s Executive Director. We have been hard at work seeking God’s future direction for Virginia Baptists in the decades ahead. Many of the inquiries I’ve been receiving lately can be summarized by these four words, “Are we there yet?” Of course it’s way too early to be able to answer this question in the affirmative, because we are still on the journey towards the destination God has in store for us. As a matter of fact, I learned very early in ministry that faith is not in our destination, but faith is always in our journey. So, just as my dad used to encourage us, as we were making our way down the road, let me take this opportunity to encourage Virginia Baptists to “enjoy the ride.”

I Corinthians 2:9 speaks to this road Virginia Baptists are currently traveling on, because I truly believe that “eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, nor have entered into the hearts of humankind, the things God has prepared for those who love him.” As you read this mid-year report, you will see how God is continuing to lead us on this wonderful Kingdom journey of a missionary movement unleashing the power of the resurrected Christ through the local church for the renewal of all things. Virginia Baptists, let’s enjoy the ride!

As part of this month's update, please review the BGAV Mid-Year Report featuring updates from each of our ministry areas.

Read the BGAV 2024 Mid-Year Report.

Last Updated:    
May 16, 2024
Executive Director