Preach 2024: A Respite and Resource for Pastors
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Preach 2024: A Respite and Resource for Pastors

Augusta Baptist Association hosts preaching conference

March 5, 2024
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On Sunday through Tuesday, March 10-12, 2024, pastors from across the Commonwealth and beyond will convene at Preach 2024, the second preaching conference hosted by the Augusta Baptist Association, at Eagle Eyrie Conference Center in Lynchburg.

“The conference was a wonderful few days away from the office to worship, listen, and learn,” said Greg Wissinger, pastor of Beaver Dam Baptist Church in Troy, VA, as he remembered his experience at the 2023 event. “I so much enjoyed sharing meals and fellowshipping with other pastors who face the same weekly challenge of preparing sermons and ministering to the flock.” Greg is looking forward to attending this year’s conference as well.

“We have several seasoned, experienced pastors preaching God’s word this year,”explained Luke Smith, one of three pastors on the event planning team, “and it’s always meaningful for pastors to be able to worship together.” He said the team is particularly looking forward to meeting Linda Barnes Popham, one of the four keynote speakers, whom they learned about last summer when the church she’s served for nearly 30 years, Fern Creek Baptist in Louisville, was voted out of the Southern Baptist Convention for hiring a woman to be their senior pastor.

“Linda is a delightful person who loves the Lord and is committed to missions,” Luke said.“She was surprised and grateful to be asked to do this; she had never been invited to help lead a preaching conference before.” He noted that this is a particularly appropriate time for Virginia Baptists to welcome her and other clergywomen, given BGAV’s vote in November 2023 which established a task force specifically to strengthen support and advocacy for women in ministerial leadership.

“We know that not all Virginia Baptists agree on the issue of women in leadership, but we can certainly all as brothers and sisters in Christ gather for worship,” he clarified.

Other keynote speakers include Wayne Faison, BGAV executive director and pastor ofEast End Baptist Church in Suffolk; Shelton Miles, retired pastor and farmer; and Ken Pruitt, president of the John Leland Center for Theological Studies and former pastor.

“Endure,” this year’s theme, draws from Isaiah 40:8: “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Breakout sessions are designed specifically for pastors and tailored to their interests. This year’s offerings include topics such as financial wellness strategies, leading a politically divided congregation, separation of church and state, cultivating revival, and more.

Last year’s conference drew participants from Maryland and North Carolina as well asVirginia. The somewhat small venue for the event is appealing to many pastors; there are about 50 spots open to registrants. Lodging is in individual rooms in Voight conference center and the Cedar Crest hotel. The tranquil, scenic surroundings at Eagle Eyrie provide the perfect setting for a few days away where pastors can fellowship, reflect, rest, and focus.

"The preaching conference was valuable not only through its opportunities for shared worship and learning, but also through the relationships formed or deepened around dinner tables and conversations,” commented Kristin Whitesides, senior pastor at First BaptistChurch of Winchester, VA, regarding her experience at last year’s event. “I am thankful for the time away to think about the responsibility and honor it is to preach and lead others in worship."

Want to experience this rejuvenating, relaxing event yourself (or treat your pastor to attend it)? There are still a few spots left for Preach 2024. For more information and to register, visit